The Sales Agent figures out what parts of the purchase order can be fulfilled and forms a purchase order confirmation that provides a detailed line-by-line account of the items it can provide. SalesAgent计算出购买订单的哪些部分可以满足,然后形成购买订单确认,以提供一份详细说明,逐行显示所能供应的物品。
Most applications where an order is being placed, and that require immediate confirmation of the order, yet fulfillment is a long-running process. 大多数下订单应用程序需要立即确认订单,但履行则是长时间运行的流程。
Next, Company B invokes a Web service on Company A and sends the purchase order confirmation as a request, and receives a receipt acknowledging the purchase order confirmation as the response. 随后,公司B针对公司A调用一个Web服务,处理完后公司B发送订购单确认作为对公司A的请求,然后公司A将发送订购单确认已收到作为对公司B的响应。
If the date or the period is not stated in the Contract it must be stated by the Seller on the purchase order form and shall be subject to confirmation by the Buyer. 如果合同中未载明交付时间,则交付时间应当由卖方在购货单中注明并经由买方确认。
To place the purchase order to suppliers, get confirmation about delivery date and feedback supervisor supplier's confirmation. 下达采购订单给供应商,与供应商确认交货日期并反馈情况给采购主管。
In order to handle OOS results, avoid the misusage of OOS results and insure OOS results without any approval or confirmation should not be accepted, delivered or shifted to the next procedure. 对已发生的不合格品进行控制,防止误用不合格品,确保不合格品未经批准或确认不得接收、交付或转入下道工序。
In order to solve the major problem that the special-purpose media chip design project product cycle to be long and the high risk, has introduced the chip simulation and the confirmation test process. 为了解决专用媒体芯片设计工程中流片周期长,风险大的问题,引入了芯片仿真和验证的测试过程。
We are pleased to confirm the above order from you and are sending you our Sales Confirmation No.HZ1034 in duplicate, one copy of which is to be countersigned and returned for our file. 对于贵方以上订单,我方现特此予以确认并寄上我方第HZ1034号销售确认书一式两份,请予以会签并寄回我方一份存档。
Lookup the newly created order resource and extract confirmation information from it. 寻找新创建的订单资源并从中提取出确认信息。
Your order was successfully received and is being processed. You will soon receive an e-mail confirmation of your order. 已收到您的订单,正在处理。很快您就会收到一封电子邮件,确认您的订单。
In this paper, in order to prevent and punish economic crime effectively, the puts forward countermeasures from the aspects of present situation, contributing factors, features, dangers and confirmation. 比其他诈骗犯罪更具复杂性、隐蔽性和欺骗性,为了有效地预防和惩治经济犯罪,本文主要从现状、成因、特点、危害、认定等方面入手,提出预防和解决经济犯罪的几点对策。
In order to obtain the practical resistance character of natural valve and confirmation reliability of natural valve, the experiment on seal performance, hydraulic performance and reliability of the valve have been carried out in simulation test loop. 为获得自然循环阀真实的阻力特性,并验证其动作可靠性,在模拟实验回路上对自然循环阀样机的密封性能、水力特性和操作机构可靠性进行了实验验证。
In order to solve wheel/ rail relation coordinated questions in the simulation and the test, the paper propose the improvement program and execute the quite comprehensive simulation confirmation. 为了解决仿真与试验所反映的轮轨关系协调问题,本文进一步提出了改进方案并进行了比较全面的仿真验证。